Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG Apps

Gut zu wissen 3.1
Die offizielle Porsche App bietet Ihnendetaillierte Informationen zur Bedienung Ihres Fahrzeugs. Ob überkurze Videos oder das mitgelieferte Handbuch - lernen Sie IhrenPorsche und dessen Bedienung kennen.Entscheiden Sie sich nach der Installation dieser App für einoder mehrere Porsche Modelle und laden Sie sich dasInformationspaket dafür herunter. Nach dem Download stehen IhnenVideos, Bilder und Texte jederzeit auf Ihrem Gerät zurVerfügung.Der Download für jedes Modell enthält folgende Features:- Kurze Video-Anleitungen zur Fahrzeugbedienung- Das Handbuch mit allen Details- Einen durchsuchbaren Index von A-Z- Die Kurzanleitung- Interaktive Bilder der Bedienelemente im Innenraum- Praktische Tipps zum Fahrzeug- Eine Porsche HändlersucheThe official Porsche appgives you detailed information about the operation of your vehicle.Whether short videos or the manual accompanying it - you learn yourPorsche and know how to use it.If you decide after installing this app for one or more Porschemodels, and download the information packet for it down. Afterdownloading you have videos, pictures and texts at any time on yourdevice.The download for each model contains the followingfeatures:- Short video instructions for vehicle operation- The manual with all details- A searchable index of A-Z- The Quick Start Guide- Interactive images of the controls in the interior- Practical tips for vehicle- A Porsche Dealer
ポルシェ 911 GT3 Cupアプリ(英語版) 1.0.1
洗練された個性 - ニュー911 GT3カップ。タブレットでポルシェ911 GT3カップを体験し、新しいレースカーの開発に関する舞台裏とその詳細情報をご覧ください。911 GT3カップスタイラーにて、初めて独自のレースカーをデザインすることが可能となりました。あなた自身が設計した独自のレースカーを是非ご友人とシェアしてください。フラット(ラインラント=プファルツ州、ドイツ)のポルシェテストトラックでのバーチャルラップで、ポルシェがさらに磨き上げた、これまでで最も成功したレースカーを是非体験してください。Individuality -Sophisticated New 911 GT3 Cup.To experience the Porsche 911 GT3 Cup in the tablet, pleaserefer to the detailed information behind the scenes and on thedevelopment of a new race car.It is now permitting the 911 GT3 Cups Tyler, to design a racecar for the first time of its own.Please to share with friends all means race car own your owndesigned.Please come and experience a virtual lap on the Porsche testtrack (Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany) of flat, Porsche polishedfurther, the race car was the most successful ever.
Der neue Cayman GT4 Clubsport 1.0.1
Der neue Porsche Cayman GT4 Clubsport. ErlebenSie den ultimativen Porsche Rebell – auf Ihrem Tablet. In dieserApp erfahren Sie exklusive Details aus der Entwicklungsabteilung,sehen spektakuläre Filme und eindrucksvolle Bilder deslangersehnten GT4 Rennwagen. Mit dem integrierten GT4 ClubsportStyler können Sie sich zudem ihren ganz persönlichenMittelmotor-Renner gestalten und Ihre Konfiguration speichern. Werweiß, vielleicht schafft es Ihr Entwurf ja bis auf dieRennstrecke?The new Porsche CaymanClubsport GT4. Experience the ultimate Porsche rebel - on yourtablet. In this app you will learn exclusive details from thedevelopment department, see spectacular movies and impressiveimages of the long-awaited GT4 race car. With the integrated GT4Clubsport Styler you can also make your very own mid-engine racerand save your configuration. Who knows, maybe it creates yourdesign yes to the race track?
Porsche VR Experience 1.0.2
The Porsche VR experience lets you go foratest drive at the world famous Porsche Experience CenterinAtlanta, GA in full 360º.
PCM Connect CA 2.2-1701201616
The Porsche Connect App lets you transfernavigation destinations from the address book or calendar of youriPhone to the infotainment system of your Porsche (PorscheCommunication Management, PCM) quickly and easily. Destinations arestored in a personal favourites list. As soon as your smartphone isconnected to the vehicle via WiFi, you can call up the destinationsvia the PCM and start navigation.Another highlight is navigation using images from the Photos app.You can start navigation using the coordinates stored in aphoto.Moreover, the app includes an online search function that you canuse to find destinations such as restaurants, for example, and savethem in your favourites list.With the Porsche Connect App you can also check the current trafficsituation at your destination before you start your journey. Whiledriving, you can use the real-time PCM traffic information serviceto ensure that you reach your destination quickly andsafely.*Music Services are also included. The Porsche Connect App providesaccess to millions of music tracks through the apps of variousmusic providers, which you call up using the music player of yourPCM.The availability of individual Porsche Connect App functionalitiescan vary in different countries.*The use of the real-time traffic information of the PorscheConnect App is free of charge. The real-time traffic informationservice as a component of the PCM navigation module includes a freeinclusive period of at least 12 months and can be extended subjectto a charge at www.porsche.com/connect. The use of this servicerequires a data-enabled SIM card.A separate, subscription-based contract with a mobile phoneprovider is required. Information on availability of real-timetraffic information as a component of the app and of PCM in yourcountry can be obtained from your Porsche Centre.
这款保时捷官方应用程序可为您提供有关车辆(从 2013 年款起)运转情况的详细信息。让您更好地了解您的保时捷。安装后,请选择您的保时捷车型并下载相关的内容包。 该应用程序提供: • 包含所有车辆详细信息的手册 • 关于车辆功能的视频短片 •有关 Porsche Connect 的信息 • 交互式图形 • 关于车辆的实用技巧 • 您车辆的外部和内部图片 •关键字搜索功能(索引搜索) • 保时捷经销商搜索
The Porsche 911 GT3 Cup App 1.0.1
Character refinement - The new 911 GT3 Cup.Experience the Porsche 911 GT3 Cup on your tablet. Take alookbehind the scenes and gain detailed information aroundthedevelopment of our new race car.Thereby, and for the first time you can design yourindividualrace car in our 911 GT3 Cup Styler and also share yourcreationwith your friends.Take a seat on a virtual lap around the Porsche test trackinFlacht and experience, how we have once again reinterpretedourvision of one of the most successful race cars ever.
Die Porsche 911 GT3 Cup App 1.0.1
Charakterschärfung - Der neue 911 GT3 Cup.Erleben Sie den Porsche 911 GT3 Cup auf Ihrem Tablet.ErfahrenSie alle Details und Hintergrundinformationen und erhaltenSieeinen Einblick in die Entwicklung des Fahrzeugs.Dabei können Sie zum ersten Mal Ihr Rennfahrzeug in unserem911GT3 Cup Styler selbst gestalten und anschließend mitFreundenteilen.Nehmen Sie außerdem Platz auf einer virtuellen Fahrt überdasPorsche Prüfgelände in Flacht und bekommen Sie so einenEindruck,wie unser Traum von einem der erfolgreichsten Rennwagender Weltwieder einmal neu interpretiert wurde.Character sharpening -Thenew 911 GT3 Cup.Experience the Porsche 911 GT3 Cup on your tablet. Get allthedetails and background information and get an insight intothedevelopment of the vehicle.You can make your first race car in our 911 GT3 CupStylerthemselves and then share with friends.They also take place on a virtual journey through thePorschetest track in Flattens and get such a sense of how our dreamof oneof the most successful racing cars in the world was onceagainre-interpreted.
L'application 911 GT3 Cup 1.0.1
Affilage de caractère - Le nouveaux 911GT3Cup.Faites l'expérience du Porsche 911 GT3 Cup sur votretablette.Apprenez tous les détails ainsi que des informations defond etobtenez un aperçu du développement de véhicule.Pour la première fois, vous pouvez façonner votre voituredecourse vous-même dans notre 911 GT3 Cup Styler et puis vouspouvezle partager avec vos amis.En outre, participez au tour virtuel à travers de la sited'essaidu Porsche à Flacht. Ca vous donnera une idée de lamanière, commentnotre rêve d'une des voitures de course les plusréussis du mondeavait réinterprété de nouveau.Sharpening character -Thenew 911 GT3 Cup.Experience the Porsche 911 GT3 Cup on your tablet. Learn allthedetails and background information and get a glimpse of thevehicledevelopment.For the first time, you can shape your race car yourself inour911 GT3 Cup Styler and then you can share it with yourfriends.In addition, participate in virtual tour through the testofPorsche Flacht site. It will give you an idea of ​​the way, howourdream of one of the world's most successful race carshadreinterpreted again.
Porsche Motorsport
The Porsche Motorsport App offers you currentresults, race reports and pictures directly from the race track.You can even follow the top races live. You can also enjoyinteresting background information on our works teams, drivers andracing cars as well as a multimedia section.Mission: Future SportscarMotorsports gives rise to ideas that are developed, tested andenhanced under the toughest conditions until they are not only athome at the top of the podium, but also on public roads. PorscheMotorsport is very much the soul of our series productionvehicles.Consequently, three works teams will be racing for Porsche atinternational endurance motorsports events. The Porsche Motorsportfamily will be measuring itself against the world’s best racingteams at the FIA World Endurance Championship as well as at theIWSC. And every week, more than 500 Porsche customer teams inprivate race cars compete in Porsche one-make series and otherinternational racing series.The most important app features include:Live CoverageFollow all the FIA WEC races live. Based on the timings, via GPStracking, or from the driver's viewpoint thanks to onboardcameras.Social & NewsThe Porsche Motorsport Team regularly tweets images and informationon the current racing action. Moreover, you can accesscomprehensive reports on news and races.Mission ReportThe Porsche Motorsport Magazine provides interesting insights andtells fascinating background stories from the world of PorscheMotorsport.Race Calendar & ResultsThe app provides dates, results and placings relating to thevarious racing series in which Porsche participates. The racelistings include: FIA WEC, IWSC, Mobil 1 Supercup, Carrera CupGermany, Carrera Cup UK. You decide which series you wish toreceive information about.Pictures & VideosThe multimedia section gives expression to what numbers and wordscannot communicate: the mood of the team before, during and afterthe race.Vehicles & TeamsFrom the technical specifications of the racing cars through to theracing driver stats, you will find all information on the currentseason here.
Porsche Good to know 5.14.0
The official Porsche app offers you detailed information on theoperation of your vehicle from model year 2013. Get to know yourPorsche better. Following installation, choose your Porsche modeland download the relevant content package. The app comprises thefollowing features: • Handbook with all vehicle details • Videoinstructions for your vehicle functions • Information about PorscheConnect • Interactive graphics • Practical tips on the vehicle •Exterior and interior images of your vehicle • Keyword searchfunction (index search)
Good to know 3.1
Get to know your Porsche - availablevideoclips and user’s guides to help you get the most out ofyourPorsche.After installing this application, you can choose yourPorschemodel and download the contents for your vehicle. Videoclips,pictures and texts will then be available on your device atanytime.Each downloaded model provides the following features:- Short video clips on how to operate your Porsche- The complete user’s guide- A searchable A-Z index for quick access to the user’s guide- Interactive pictures for vehicle controls and buttons, withlinksto the user’s guide- A quick-reference guide- Useful tips about your Porsche- A dealer search, using GPS
Porsche Remote Control 1.0.1
The Porsche Remote Control app offersthefollowing functions for convenient operation of your PorscheRearSeat Entertainment/Plus system:Controlling Porsche Rear Seat Entertainment/Plus (PRSE)- Use simple actions to control PRSE- Navigate and manage your PRSE media libraryGaming- Use your smartphone/tablet as a game controllerKeyboard- Easier text input using the keyboard onyoursmartphone/tabletSystem requirements- Device with iOS 7/Android 4.2 or newer- Bluetooth connection to PRSE
Porsche Leipzig 1.8
Porsche Leipzig is much more than a production facility. Here youcome in direct contact with the sports car and all its fascinatingaspects. Along with our models Panamera and Macan, we produce onemain thing: emotion. Collecting customers, event guests andvisitors can allow these emotions to run wild: in the CustomerCenter or at a driving event on the FIA-certified on-road circuitor on the off-road track. Make your visit even more fascinatingwith the Porsche Leipzig App. Before your visit: - Porsche Leipzig:get an overview of our location and offers even before your visit.- Circuits: experience our on-road circuit or off-road track beforeyou even approach the starting line with our animated curvedrive-throughs and 360° videos. - Augmented Reality (AR): make useof the AR functions in our brochures. Thrills and amazementincluded. During your visit: - Customer Center: keep track of yourstopping points in the Customer Center. - On-road circuit: haveyour co-pilot drive video recorded and share this unforgettableexperience with your friends. - Historical vehicles exhibit: obtainfurther information on a particular model in the museum when youapproach it (e.g. historical videos). - Pit lane: scan the licenseplate of our vehicles and find out what is under the hood. -Augmented Reality (AR): experience concept studies and historicalvehicles in our digital vehicle exhibit. - Porsche quartets: duringyour visit collect cards for your Porsche quartets – e.g. in themuseum. After your visit: - Experience your visit to PorscheLeipzig once again: browse through your videos, photos and yourPorsche quartet cards. Share these with your friends. And pleaseleave feedback about your visit and the app.
Porsche Connect 4.2.1-2010021514
The Porsche Connect App is the digital interface to your Porsche.It is divided into three main areas: My Account, Navigation and MyCar. My Account • Access your personal Porsche ID profile. Usingyour Porsche ID, data is synchronized between My Porsche, yournavigation and infotainment system (Porsche CommunicationManagement, or PCM for short), and the Porsche Connect App so thatyou don't have to synchronize them manually. • Display of yourpairing code. You will need it to connect your vehicle to thePorsche Connect App. • Make a breakdown call or report a theft. •Access millions of tracks with the Porsche Connect App. You cansave the log-in credentials in the ""My Account"" menu item formusic streaming services such as Napster, Radio.net, or AmazonMusic and simply control music playback in the PCM. • Synchronizeyour calendar with your Porsche and always keep track of yourappointments. Navigation • Search navigation destinations in yourcontacts, in the calendar, or online, and then save them as afavorite. • Create destinations comfortably in advance of a journeyand send them to the vehicle. • Keep track of the current trafficsituation by enabling real-time traffic information in map view.* •Determine the location of your vehicle with First Mile Navigationand let it guide you to the driver's seat. Once you are in yoursports car, your final destination seamlessly transfers from yourmobile device to the PCM... • Approach your destination with LastMile Navigation: after parking your sports car, the navigation isautomatically transferred from Porsche Communication Management toyour smartphone. *The use of real-time traffic information of thePorsche Connect App is free of charge. The real-time trafficinformation service as part of the navigation module of the PCMincludes a trial period that may vary in length depending on themodel and model year. The service can be renewed subject to chargeat www.porsche.com/connect-store. The use of this service requiresadditional external data volume. My Car • Control certain vehiclefunctions remotely: open or close doors.* • Call up vehicle or tripdata, such as mileage or fuel range.* • See your individual vehicleconfiguration on opening the app. *Owners of the 718, 911, Panameraand Macan models will need the Porsche Car Connect App to use thesefunctions. The offer described here applies to the new Cayennemodels (from model year 2019). Offers on other models may deviatefrom it. The availability of individual functions of the PorscheConnect App may vary depending on the country. Continuousbackground use of GPS may significantly reduce battery life. ThePorsche Connect App is designed to use GPS as efficiently aspossible to maintain the best possible battery life.
Carrera Mobil 3.0.2
Carrera mobile is the information portal for Porsche employeesmobile and home use
Porsche Connect 4.2-2009111506
The Porsche Connect App is the digital interface to your Porsche.It is divided into three main areas: My Account, Navigation and MyCar. My Account • Access your personal Porsche ID profile. Usingyour Porsche ID, data is synchronised between My Porsche, yournavigation and infotainment system (Porsche CommunicationManagement) and the Porsche Connect App. And you don't have tosynchronise manually. • Access the pairing code. You will need itto connect your vehicle to the Porsche Connect App. • Make abreakdown call or report a theft. • Control smart home devices withNest. Various functions are accessible on the PCM in your vehiclevia the Porsche Connect App. • Access millions of tracks with thePorsche Connect App. Save the log-in data in the "My Account" menuitem for music streaming services such as Napster, Radio.net, orAmazon Music. Then you can control music playback easily in thePCM. • Synchronise your calendar with your Porsche and always keeptrack of your appointments. Navigation • Search navigationdestinations in your contacts, in the calendar, or even online, andsave them as favourites. • Create navigation destinationscomfortably in advance of a journey and send them to the vehicle. •Keep track of the current traffic situation by enabling real-timetraffic information on the in-app map view. • Determine thelocation of your vehicle with First Mile Navigation and let itguide you to the driver's seat. Navigation to the previouslyentered destination then seamlessly transfers from your mobiledevice to the PCM in your sports car. • Get straight to yourdestination with Last Mile Navigation: after arriving in yoursports car, navigation is automatically transferred from PorscheCommunication Management (PCM) to your smartphone. My Car • Controlcertain vehicle functions remotely: such as opening or closingdoors and windows.* • Call up vehicle or trip data, such as mileageor fuel range.* • See your individual vehicle configuration onopening the app. *Owners of the 718, 911, Panamera and Macan modelswill need the Porsche Car Connect App. The offer described hereapplies to the new Cayenne models (from model year 2018). Offers ofother models may deviate from this. The availability of individualfunctions of the Porsche Connect App may vary depending on thecountry. Some of the functionality and services listed aboverequire a valid subscription to access the services. Continuousbackground use of GPS may significantly reduce battery life. ThePorsche Connect App is designed to use GPS as efficiently aspossible to maintain the best possible battery life. *The use ofreal-time traffic information of the Porsche Connect App is free ofcharge. The real-time traffic information service as part of thenavigation module of the PCM includes a free inclusive period thatmay vary in length depending on the service package and country,but is at least 3 months. The service can be renewed subject tocharge at www.porsche.com/connect-store. The use of this service inapp requires additional external data volume.
Porsche Newsroom 1.4.1
The Porsche Newsroom App with an included augmented reality featurefor journalists, bloggers and Porsche enthusiasts. Receivehigh-quality current news and stories while getting exclusiveglimpses behind the scenes of the company. Emotional, informativeand of first hand. In addition, extend your point of view with thenew augmented reality function: Use your smartphone or tablet toscan selected publications by Porsche and experience as they arebrought to digital life. Associated hints can be found in therespective publications – surprises included.
Porsche Offroad Precision
The Porsche Offroad app is your personal companion for adventuresin the wild.
RSE Remote 1.0
Porsche RSE remote App
Porsche AR Visualizer 2.4.2
Experience your personally configurated dream Porsche - at anytime, everywhere.
Charging NA
Charge simply, quickly and cashlessly with the Charging by PorscheApp.
Porsche Track Precision 4.0.8
The Porsche Track Precision App is your personal trainer for therace track.
Taycan RC-Car 1.6
App-controllable and via Bluetooth connected Taycan RC-Car.
Charging 1.0.307-eu.rc
Charge simply, quickly and cashlessly with the Charging by PorscheApp.
Porsche Calendar 1.1.0
There is an official Porsche calender app now...
Porsche Golf Circle 2.6.0
The new Porsche Golf Circle App, the digital golf companion forPorsche lovers.
Porsche Dashcam V1.1.0
The digital interface to your Porsche dashcam.
Porsche Smartwatch 0.5.0
The Porsche Smartwatch enters the market with its own PorscheSmartwatch app.
Porsche Events
PCM Connect AR 2.4-1805141409
Application Porsche Connect - convey the views of navigation andmusic to your car Porsche
Porsche Mitarbeiter App
Willkommen bei der Porsche Mitarbeiterapp.
My Porsche WearOS
Tenerife2023 2.76.14
Porsche Dealer Launch Event App